Croc Bloc

Insect Repellent: 30% Deet

  • 30% DEET formula is extremely effective against mosquitoes and all biting insects including fleas and ticks, black flies, deer flies, gnats, biting midges and mites
  • Apply repellent exactly where you want it to go, no over spray
  • To repel ticks, wipe around shoe tops and clothing openings
  • Easy-to-carry pouch - fits anywhere, pocket, vest, first aid kit, etc.
  • One application lasts for 4 - 6 hours
  • Very light scent
  • Box of 50 towelettes
Repellent Concentration 30% DEET
Type Towelette
Sold As Box of 50
Container Size 5.58 g
Manufacturer Croc Bloc
Secondary Attributes
6 Hrs